The full programme and details of this year’s Understanding Society Scientific Conference have been announced and registration is now open. The Conference, at the University of Essex, near Colchester, on 21-23 July will attract social scientists from around the world.
This year’s conference will see 70 presentations, 20 poster sessions, 10 drop-in sessions and five specialist workshops. This year’s keynote speakers will be Professor Sara Arber and Professor David Bell.
The programme for Tuesday 21 July will include longitudinal research presentations on:-
- Health (cardiovascular disease)
- Wealth, income & poverty
- Fertility decisions
- Workshop – Understanding impact
- Health & social relations
- Survey Methods (measurements)
- Poverty and earning loss
- Workshop – Longitudinal Modelling with Longitudinal Households
Wednesday 22nd will cover
- Health (methods)
- Social mobility
- Employment & wellbeing
- Workshop – Genetic data in Understanding Society (part 1)
- Mental health & sleep
- Education
- Workshop – Genetic data in Understanding Society (part 2)
- Health (use of biomarkers)
- Young people and risk attitudes
- Employment & health
- Workshop – The Socio-Cultural Integration of New Immigrants in Europe
Thursday 23rd will cover
- Health behaviours
- Family change / changing families
- Young people’s wellbeing
- Workshop – United Kingdom Longitudinal Studies: Research, Evidence and Impact
- Health (inequalities over the lifecourse)
- Survey methods (coverage and non-response)
- Environment & wellbeing
- Ethnicity, social networks and neighbourhoods
Read the full programme and register now