Other speakers include Philippe Van Kerm (CEPS/INSTEAD, Luxembourg): “Household income mobility during Great Recession years in Europe” and Rolf Aaberge (Statistic Norway) on “The ins and outs of top income mobility”
Mathias Dolls (ZEW), Karina Doorley (IZA), Alari Paulus (University of
Essex) and Hilmar Schneider (CEPS/INSTEAD) present “Decomposing changes in the income distribution in Europe in 2030“ and Anne-Catherine Guio (CEPS/INSTEAD), Eric Marlier (CEPS/INSTEAD) and Marco Pomati (Cardiff University) present “Evolution of material deprivation during the crisis”
Richard Blundell (UCL and IFS) will present “Income Shocks, Assets and Family Labour Supply: Understanding Inequality Dynamics”
Tuesday presentations include Andreas Peichl (ZEW): “Crisis, austerity and automatic stabilization” and Daniel Waldenström (Uppsala University), Jacob Lundberg (Uppsala
University) on “Wealth Inequality and the Great Recession: Evidence from
Rachel Griffith (Institute for Fiscal Studies), Martin O’Connell
(Institute for Fiscal Studies) and Kate Smith (Institute for Fiscal
Studies present: “Shopping around? Households’ ability to maintain nutritional
quality over the Great Recession”
Marianne E. Page (University of California, Davis), Xiaohan Zhang
(University of California, Davis) present “The Kids Will Be Alright: Long Term
Effects of “Growing Up” During a Recession”