Call for experiments – Understanding Society

Academics and researchers are being invited to submit proposals for methodological experiments to be incorporated on the Understanding Society Innovation Panel from Wave 6 onwards.

Experiments can relate to questionnaire content, to methods of data collection (for example, the design of survey instruments), or to survey procedures (such as ways of reducing non-response or reducing field costs).

Research Director of the Innovation Panel, Annette Jäckle, said:

“The Innovation Panel is a unique resource for innovative longitudinal experimental and methodological research with international impact. This is a really exciting opportunity to get involved and develop key innovations in survey methods and content that will ensure the future success of the Understanding Society survey.”

Director of Understanding Society, Nick Buck, added:

“The experiments and research carried out using the Innovation Panel generate important new knowledge which is disseminated through publications in leading international journals.”

The full call for proposals, including information about the principles to which proposals must adhere, the criteria by which proposals will be judged, and the application process, can be downloaded from the Understanding Society website.

Data collection for Wave 6, which is likely to use face-to-face, web, and possibly telephone interviewing, will take place in Spring 2013. The deadline for receipt of proposals is May 15, 2012.


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