Ethnic minority women experience excess poverty

Research by ISER’s Alita Nandi and Lucinda Platt published today (September 16 2010) by the Government Equalities Office concludes that ethnic minority women experience excess poverty.

The report, Ethnic minority women’s poverty and economic well being is a detailed account of the inequalities in economic well being found among women and between women and men. It shows that women of all ethnic groups have lower individual incomes than men in the same ethnic groups, with Pakistani and Bangladeshi women having the largest gap and Chinese and Black Caribbean women the lowest.

The research makes use of data from the Family Resources Survey (FRS) from 2003/4 to 2007/8 with sample size of more than 100,000 men, 116,000 women and 69,000 dependent children. They also made use of data from the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS).

  • <%= media_link(‘Ethnic minority women’s poverty and economic well being – Government Equalities Office – Alita Nandi and Lucinda Platt – September 2010’, 382) %>


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