ISER’s Stephen Jenkins is presenting his research on The dynamics of social assistance benefit receipt in Britain in Wisconsin this week.
The research, carried out jointly with Lorenzo Capellari, is being presented at the Institute for Research on Poverty’s Summer Research Workshop at the University of Wisconsin
Twenty-one papers are being presented, including a number of special keynote lectures to mark the Summer Research Workshop’s 20th anniversary meeting.
IRP’s Summer Research Workshop has become a time-honored tradition in the US poverty studies community since the meeting’s establishment in 1990. The four-day workshop held in Madison each June brings together as many as 90 junior and senior scholars from a variety of disciplines, primarily Economics and Sociology, to discuss research related to the low-income population.
Designed to build a community of research interest around topics related to the poor and their labor market connections, the workshop focuses on frontier statistical methods for the empirical study of these issues and seeks to mentor the next
generation of poverty researchers.