New ISER Director Heather Laurie
Dr Heather Laurie is the new Director of ISER. From September 1, she takes over from Professor Stephen Jenkins who has completed his term of office which began in April 2006.
Heather first joined the team that helped establish the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) 20 years ago. In the mid nineties she became the manager of all ISER’s survey activities and more recently has played a key role in setting up and running the new UK Household Longitudinal Study, Understanding Society. In 2005 she was awarded an MBE for services to social science. In her new role, Heather will lead a team of distinguished and internationally-respected researchers as well as survey experts. It’s a role she’s looking forward to:
“ISER continues to grow and gain in reputation as a centre of excellence for the design, management and analysis of longitudinal data. ISER’s profile across Europe and internationally is enhanced by high quality programmes such as the work of the Microsimulation Unit together with a growing portfolio of comparative research projects. Of course ISER’s most valuable asset is the people who work here. We have a wonderful team of talented and committed researchers and graduate students, and excellent administrative, computing and support staff, all of whom consistently deliver results of the highest quality.”
Stephen Jenkins will be on research leave from ISER for the academic year 2009-2010 when, among other research projects, he will be working on a book “Changing Fortunes: Income Dynamics in Britain” for Oxford University Press. Paying tribute to his work at ISER, Heather added:
“Stephen has done a great job over the last three and a half years, leading by example and fostering a vibrant and productive research environment. During Stephen’s term ISER has been successful in gaining funding for several large-scale research programmes and centres, not least for the ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change and Understanding Society, the new UK household longitudinal study. Stephen is handing over ISER in very good shape to ensure our continued success over the coming years and, after a short sabbatical, we look foward to having him back on the team at ISER.”