Mr Raj Patel Impact Fellow, University of Essex

Raj Patel
Curriculum vitae

Policy, impact and research interests

Raj is a policy analyst and his expertise is in research, policy development, public relations, building partnerships and business development. His substantive areas of expertise include growth and regional development; entrepreneurship and innovation; labour markets and skills; and regeneration. Having worked in government, academia, business and charities at a senior level, he is particularly interested in ideas around how to better join up economic and social development. He is a strong proponent for strengthening academic and policy collaboration to improve long-term decision-making, fuel social innovation and improve lives. His current responsibilities cover the use of large scale data and evidence to understand economic and social change; facilitating knowledge exchange; and building networks and productive partnerships.

Latest Publications

Health and employment: commentary

  1. Labour Market
  2. Health
  3. Public Policy
  4. Well Being

What happens to employment after an acute health shock?

  1. Labour Market
  2. Health
  3. Public Policy
  4. Disability

Financial struggle connected to neighbourhoods

  1. Area Effects
  2. Finance
  3. Debt: Indebtedness
  4. Social Networks
  5. Housing Market


  1. Surveys
  2. Societies
  3. Social Change

The growth of private renting in Great Britain: characteristics and flows

  1. Housing Market

Through the keyhole of involuntary house moves

  1. Housing Market

Investigating the effects of active commuting

  1. Commuting
  2. Health
  3. Well Being
  4. Biology

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