Mrs Catherine Yuen Survey Applications Manager, University of Essex
- Office
- 2N2.6.15
Main responsibilities – managing the quality assurance and data processing systems for the survey data for Understanding Society, responsible for the testing and training the questionnaire team to use Colectica Designer to put UKHLS questionnaires into DDI
- designed, maintained and managed the survey applications for Understanding Society
- advised colleagues and external agencies on a regular weekly basis on aspects of data quality
- defined the data delivery specification for all surveys (six in two years) for the external fieldwork agencies
- collaborated with the fieldwork agencies, to verify the integrity of the survey data
- led and supervised the completion of quality checking the survey data on at least two different sets of data every quarter
- managed, cleaned (edited) data once a quarter
- exported data every time we get a data delivery (around once or twice a month) for further statistical manipulation (by others) prior to release via the UK Data Archive
- specified all the questionnaires for the UKHLS COVID study into Colectica Designer, liased with internal and external (CLOSER) colleagues on the questionnaire specification in DDI