Over the past 15 years, Russia has experienced an increase in childcare enrolment from 55% to 66.2%, reflecting an increase in childcare availability that was rolled out unequally across Russian regions – the enrolment rate has increased from less than 1% in some regions to almost 35% in other regions. I use this variation across regions over time to evaluate the effect of extending childcare availability on mothers’ labour outcomes. I find that an increase in childcare availability has a positive and significant effect on maternal employment both at the intensive margin and at the extensive margin. A set of robustness checks confirm the validity of the identification strategy and the results.
Presented by:
Yuliya M Kazakova, ISER
Date & time:
January 17, 2018 1:00 pm - January 17, 2018 2:00 pm
2N2.4.16 - ISER large seminar room
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