The popularity of smartphones creates new opportunities for researchers who can recruit participants to perform additional tasks for research purposes. Those tasks can be active such as taking pictures, recording audio and video, or passive such tracking app use, browsing behavior, or participants’ activity and geolocation. Providing such data can pose certain risks to the participants and smartphone users are increasingly concerned about the privacy of the information that they provide. If potential research participants are not willing to allow collecting sensor data due to privacy and confidentiality concerns, the conclusions reached by researchers can be biased. There is an indication that concerns about privacy and confidentiality of smartphone data collection are related to the smartphone use skills of a research participant. However, not much is known about the nature of the relationship between technological skills and privacy concerns. In this presentation, we explore the nexus between privacy concerns and technological skills. We will show how concern about participating in smartphone data collection differs by the type of data collected on a smartphone, how concerns vary across subgroups of smartphone users with different levels of smartphone use habits, and discuss how skills and concerns influence the willingness to collect sensor data.
Presented by:
Dr. Bella Struminskaya, Utrecht University
Date & time:
October 23, 2019 11:30 am - October 23, 2019 12:30 pm
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