We design a job recommender system that recommends job ads to Swedish job seekers. The job recommender system is hosted on the largest online job board in Sweden, and it is based on a collaborative filtering machine-learning algorithm. Within a two-sided randomised experiment, we evaluate how job seekers respond to job recommendations (clicks, applications, job finding, earnings), and whether employers fill their vacant jobs at a faster rate. We find that job seekers increase by 10-16% the number of daily clicks/applications on recommended vacancies. We do not find average effects on total job search intensity, job finding rates, or labour earnings.
Presented by:
Roland Rathelot (University of Warwick)
Date & time:
May 26, 2021 11:30 am - May 26, 2021 12:30 pm
Zoom link for online meeting: https://essex-university.zoom.us/j/6336987293. Please note that this event is open to everyone, but those who are not members of University of Essex need to register by simply sending their names to iserseminars@essex.ac.uk.
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