Application of modern psychometric methods to mental health & well-beingISER External Seminars

Abstract It has become common place for researchers to embed multiple measures of mental health and well-being into cohort studies. Analysis of such self-report data has been facilitated by rapid expansion of psychometric modelling methods in Stata and R and by general latent variable modelling frameworks (gllamm/Mplus). Applications of such methods to explore individual differences in personality, mental health and well-being are topical and important for population health. Examples from my research and Cambridge-based teaching initiatives will be presented using materials and understanding gleaned from collaborative cohort studies of common mental disorder. Empirical findings will span research on early personality and mental health in adults, and screening questionnaires.

Presented by:

Tim Croudace (Cambridge)

Date & time:

January 30, 2012 4:00 pm

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