A Subsidence Slope in Patterns of Inheritance? A cohort comparisonISER Internal Seminars

The study of intergenerational solidarity has made great strides,
both theoretically and empirically, in recent decades. However, there is
little previous quantitative research on downward transfers within the inner
circle of the family from a gender perspective. A genderspecific analysis of
this issue has not been possible thus far due to a paucity of
individual-based data. The present study is based on data from the German
Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), which now makes it possible to estimate
individual inheritance retrospectively starting in the year 2001. We compare
transfer patterns of four cohorts – defined by year of transfer mortis
causa – in order to fully understand the impact of historical, legal and
economic changes over time on family relations in West Germany. Such an
approach can elucidate whether and to what extent gender inequality is
reproduced by inheritance over time. After delving briefly into the specific
influences of gender inequality on the life courses of donors, we examine
their possibilities to accumulate capital, following that gender-specific
proportions and amounts of inheritance for each cohort as well as age
patterns are shown. Furthermore multivariate analysis is employed to
illustrate that the gender gap in inheritance patterns has declined over the
last century.

Presented by:

Andrea Sch‰fer (DIW, Berlin)

Date & time:

October 11, 2006 12:00 pm - October 10, 2006 11:00 pm

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