Workshop: Addressing Methodological Challenges in the Neighbourhood Effects Research

The Institute for Social and Economic Research, the Nuffield Foundation and the Lisbon School of Economics and Management are pleased to present this workshopa the Nuffield Foundation in London on 22 March 2019, aiming to address the following issues:

How does place shape people’s social and economic outcomes and does place matter for people’s subjective wellbeing?

Living in deprived areas can hinder individuals’ future prospects, but is local disadvantage the underlying cause of poverty or the spatial manifestation of income determining where people live?

To date, evidence based approaches to tackle poverty and inequality have been hindered by the challenges of identifying a causal relationship between residential location and individual outcomes – because of the complex non-random selection mechanisms by which people decide where to live.

On top of this, there is no conclusive evidence on which spatial contexts are important for which aspects of wellbeing and very few studies have examined the underlying mechanisms through which improvements in the local environment may improve wellbeing.

This workshop presents findings from a range of neighbourhood effects studies that have found innovative ways of addressing some of these challenges. It provides a forum to share knowledge on state-of-the-art methods to address identification challenges in neighbourhood effects research, to discuss existing evidence on neighbourhood effects for different neighbourhood boundaries and spatial scales, and to learn about exciting new research about specific causal mechanisms underlying neighbourhood effects on individual objective wellbeing (employment, earnings) and subjective wellbeing (life satisfaction, self-rated health).

Confirmed speakers include

Professor Patricia Melo (University of Lisbon), Dr Gundi Knies (University of Essex), Dr Emily Murray (University College of London) and Professor Florence Goffette-Nagot (University of Lyon/ St Etienne).

Please note: “Due to the constraints of our listed Georgian building, we are unable to provide access or facilities for wheelchair users. People with mobility needs should contact the Foundation for guidance in advance of visiting the building. We have a hearing loop installed in the Fine and Dining Rooms; please let u know in advance if you would like this to be available”

Click here to register via Eventbrite


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