Moss Madden Medal awarded to ISER’s Dr Simonetta Longhi

ISER Research Fellow, Dr Simonetta Longhi, has been awarded the prestigious Moss Madden Medal for her research on job competition and the wage curve.

The Medal is awarded to the member or members of the Regional Science Association International British and Irish Section that have written the article of greatest distinction published in any area of Regional Science in any journal during 2012.

Dr Longhi was awarded the medal for her paper Job Competition and the Wage Curve published in Regional Studies (46/5:611-20).

This research proposes new ways of measuring job competition, alternative to the unemployment rate, and finds that the negative relationship still holds when job competition is measured following the job search literature. While for men the wage impact of the theoretically based measures of job competition is rather similar to the wage impact of the unemployment rate, for women the difference is substantial.


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