New studentship opportunities at ISER

Three new fully-funded studentships for postgraduate study at ISER have been announced, in methods, micro-economics or micro-econometrics, and in health.

Studentship in Methods ESRC-funded project linked studentship

Longitudinal methods for analysis based on combinations of questions asked at different frequencies

We are looking for a student with a strong background in any quantitative social science discipline, and excellent skills in econometrics and/or statistics, to undertake a PhD project on longitudinal research methods, under the supervision of Professor Steve Pudney.

Many multi-purpose household surveys do not repeat all questionnaire content at every wave: typically, some questions are asked every year, while others are asked only every two or three years. This project will investigate the challenges involved in the analysis of irregularly-sequenced data, developing new methods as required, and demonstrating the efficient use of these methods via one or more practical applications, using data from Understanding Society

Studentship in Health ESRC-funded project linked studentship

Social processes, biological processes and functional capacity

We are looking for a student with a strong background in any quantitative social science discipline, and an interest in the social determinants of health outcomes, to undertake this PhD project, under the supervision of Dr Michaela Benzeval. Michaela currently works at the Social and Public Health Sciences Unit in Glasgow, and will be joining ISER in June 2013.

There is compelling evidence that early social disadvantage may have long-term effects on health. This project will extend the current state of knowledge by investigating the interactions between social disadvantage and biological processes such as neuroendocrine functioning and inflammatory profiles, and the way in which these affect functional capacity in later life and the onset of decline. The project will use data from Understanding Society, which combines rich information on people’s socioeconomic situation and newly available biomarker data.

Studentship in Labour/Development Economics

Studentship in applied microeconomics or applied microeconometrics

A PhD studentship is available for a student with an interest in applied microeconomics or applied microeconometrics to work under the supervision of Professor Sonia Bhalotra, who is currently based at the University of Bristol, and who will be joining ISER in Autumn 2013.

The candidate must have a strong background in economics and econometrics. We particularly welcome applications from students interested in developing countries, health, education, political economy, behavioural economics and experimental approaches, but candidates with other interests may apply or send in an initial enquiry.

More information is available on applying on the postgraduate study pages of our website.


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