Dr Magda Borkowska Senior Research Officer, University of Essex

Magda Borkowska

I am a quantitative sociologist working in the ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change (MiSoC). Prior to joining MiSoC, I was a member of the Understanding Society Policy Unit and Centre for Social Investigation at the University of Oxford. I studied for a Ph.D. in Applied Social Research at the University of Manchester. My main research interests include: ethnicity and migration; political behaviour and attitudes; civil society; socioeconomic inequalities; and social cohesion. I am particularly interested in the life-course perspective and often work with longitudinal data. I am also interested in survey data quality and new types of social research data.

Problematising concepts and methods for civil society research in superdiverse neighbourhoods

Coming together or coming apart?

Social cohesion briefing note

Home schooling briefing note

Understanding Geographical Mobility briefing note

Follow me on Twitter @magda_bork

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